PTA Hub by Ticket Tailor

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Feedback after your PTA fundraising event

Congratulations! Your PTA fundraising event is now over and all monies have being banked.

There are several things that need to happen now that the event is finally over. First and foremost, count any cash amounts and get it banked asap. Hopefully, there will be very little cash especially if you were using online ticketing and/or tokens as currency. You also need to thank everyone involved, sponsors, volunteers, local services etc.

Once all this has been done, you may be wondering if the PTA event even a success?
You may be asking yourself several questions. Did we make a profit? Are our sponsors happy? Did enough people attend the event? Did they enjoy the event? Should we run this event again? What could we do better? Was all the blood, sweat and family sacrifice even worth it?
There is only one way to find the answers to your questions and put your mind to rest.


You should first decide who you want feedback from:

1) Volunteers and class reps
2) Attendees of the event
3) Sponsors and stall holders
4) The school, this could be a mix of the leadership team, office staff, teachers, caretaker, catering staff…

You should then decide what you want feedback on:

1) Was the event organised for the right day/time?
2) Did the event disrupt school activities in any way?
3) Was the event enjoyable?
4) Would they attend an event like this again?
5) Rate the event out of 5 stars.
6) Was there enough to do?
7) Was the entry price reasonable?

There are tonnes of questions you can ask. Just make a list of them by brainstorming with your committee and deciding on the top 10 to use in your survey. People are more likely to fill out your survey if it’s concise and easy to fill out.

Now decide how to get the feedback:

1) Use the Broadcast feature on Ticket Tailor. Broadcast is really useful as it allows you to email the ticket buyers.
2) Create a Survey Monkey online feedback form.
3) Create a Google form. Have you seen our PTA comms article?
4) Create a poll on your Facebook group and get feedback that way.

Both 2) and 3) give you a weblink which you can share on social media, class rep Whatsapp groups, Ticket Tailor broadcast feature etc. They also have the benefit that the results data is stored online and can be accessed for review at any time in the future particularly before planning the next occasion of this event.

We hope you found this information useful. We have lots of helpful resources in our membership hub. It’s completely FREE to join and just look at what you get :

❤️ Editable PTA resources - posters, free to use images, sponsor templates
❤️ Online training - 'PTA event how to' videos
❤️ Topical PTA videos to share with your school community (intro to new parents, zero waste initiative, etc.)
❤️ Automatic entry to our Go Green and Fundraise competitions to win a reusable event party-ware pack
❤️ PTA Hub bulletin with the latest PTA tips and tricks
❤️ Partner offers and discounts
❤️ Exclusive PTA online ticketing rates