PTA Hub by Ticket Tailor

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PTA Spring or Summer Ball

Check out our poster templates in the PTA Resource Centre

One of the aims of the PTA is to bring the school community together via informal events, helping to foster new friendships and relationships between parents, teachers, and others associated with the school. Of course, the PTA also need to raise much needed funds in order that our children benefit from the little extras that make a difference to their educational advancement and enjoyment of their own school journey. A high cost ticketed event such as a ball is a great way to foster social relationships and raise funds at the same time.

Of course, it won’t suit every school but for those that are interested, here are a few tips on getting the most out of your event.

  • When planning the date of your PTA Ball event, ensure there are no potential public event date clashes - football finals and the like!

  • Choose your venue carefully and make sure you book the date. Is it near a train station, is there ample parking etc. People are more likely to go if it’s easy to get there.

  • Arrange discounted journeys with a local taxi firm in return for promoting their business.

  • Try and get local/parent businesses to sponsor a table. Sponsorship should at least cover the cost of the included wine per table.

  • If you are self catering, the catering company may give you discounts in return for promotion,

  • Include a couple of fun games throughout the evening. Yes, it is more of a formal event but everyone likes a game and it gets people engaging with each other.

We have mentioned event sponsorship quite a bit, it is fundamental to your fundraising. Here are some tips to promoting your sponsors.
If you’re using Ticket Tailor for your online ticketing, then there are several fab ways to promote the sponsors through the platform that are sure to impress your sponsors!

  • If you have a single headline sponsor, include their logo with active web link on the event detail on your box office.

  • Include sponsor logos/names with web links on the order confirmation email, or digital ticket that attendees receive

  • Use the Ticket Tailor Broadcast feature to send a pre-event update. Include a mention of the event sponsors on this correspondence.

  • You can also send a Broadcast message after the event with information on how much the PTA Ball event raised. This is a great opportunity to thank your sponsors, getting ‘eyes on’ their business again.

A few additional fundraising ideas on the night.

  • Silent auction

  • Heads and Tails game

  • Wall of wine - £10 or so to enter, take your chance on winning an expensive vintage

  • 50/50 - £1 or so to enter, only one winning number. Winner takes 50% of the pot

  • Photobooth - charge for using this popular

Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you promote your PTA Ball event with a poster. Did you know you can add the online ticketing link to your poster to encourage people to buy tickets? Don’t forget to post your poster and make it shareable on your PTA social media.

You are welcome to use and edit our PTA Ball poster and our tickets in our PTA resource centre.

We hope you found this information useful. We have lots of helpful resources in our membership hub. It’s completely FREE to join and just look at what you get :

❤️ Editable PTA resources - posters, free to use images, sponsor templates
❤️ Online training - 'PTA event how to' videos
❤️ Topical PTA videos to share with your school community (intro to new parents, zero waste initiative, etc.)
❤️ Automatic entry to our Go Green and Fundraise competitions to win a reusable event party-ware pack
❤️ PTA Hub bulletin with the latest PTA tips and tricks
❤️ Partner offers and discounts
❤️ Exclusive PTA online ticketing rates