A PTA Virtual Scavenger Hunt

If you want to dip your toe into running virtual PTA events then I would certainly recommend a scavenger hunt as the first event you try. Better yet, trial it out with friend sand family first. It gives you a dry run with people you know and love and who are more forgiving should things not go to plan.

Read my tips on setting up a Zoom account then schedule your first meeting!! Remember, your guests do not have to sign up for a Zoom account.


1) Schedule your Zoom event, find the secure joining link and copy it to your clipboard

2) Set up the event on Ticket Tailor. Virtual events are FREE for the foreseeable future even if you are charging an admission fee, requesting a donation or running it as a sponsored social event.

3) Don’t forget to tick the ‘allow donations’ box when setting up your event if you want to encourage donations. From experience, it is better NOT to default in a suggested amount, leave it to the guest to add an amount should they wish. It is a good idea to detail your cause in the description so that people know what they are donating towards. This definitely helps with the number of people who donate.

4) Within your Ticket Tailor event dashboard menu, go to Broadcast and draft your first event reminder remembering to paste your secure Zoom link in the detail. Save it as draft for now. You will need this later.

5) Once you have added the event details, ticket types, donation box and sponsorship logos and links, preview your event then set your event to ‘On Sale’, effectively making it live.

6) Copy the event link and send it out using email, WhatsApp, newsletter, Parentmail, social media or whatever your normal communication channels are.

7) Once you have enough sign ups, set your event status to ‘Sales Closed’. Now is the time to revisit your draft Broadcast email complete with secure Zoom link. Check everything is in order by sending a few test emails out to yourself and other committee members or friends. Once you are happy, send it out to all your attendees.

Scavenger Hunt Questions and Tasks.png

Feel free to use some of these virtual scavenger

hunt ideas.