Free images to use for your PTA virtual event listing

When you are creating your event online with Ticket Tailor, you can upload a custom image as your event header. We’ve done the hard work out for you , feel free to download and use any of these images for free. They are all the recommended size of 1024px X 326px and will look great on your event listing.

To choose and use an image as is:
Simply click on the image you want to open it, then right click to ‘Save image as’. You can then name the image file and save it to you computer. When you are ready to create your event on Ticket Tailor, it is then a breeze to upload your fancy header!

Perhaps you’d like to add your own touches to the images? There is more info below the images.

To edit any of the images with your own text, colours etc.Perhaps you’d like to add your own touches to the images? To do this, you need to go to our templates on Canva to make and save your changes there. Simply scroll to select the image template you want and make sure you select the correct image when you are ready to download it to your own file space. you will need a Canva account to do this which is very quick, simple and free to set up.
Tip: here is a how to video to help you, watch it in 1.2x to speed it up.

Check out a video I made via Loom