Hundreds of Quiz questions for you to use

We’ve done the hard work for you!

We have compiled a ton of multiple choice quiz questions for you to use. The spreadsheet is divided into multiple sheets, each sheet represents a quiz category. Feel free to cut and paste to your hearts content. Create a truly amazing quiz, be it for social friends and family fun or to raise money for your particular charitable cause.

There questions are categorised into Easy , Medium and Hard. Find the questions that suit your particular audience.

We have included sections on:-

Sport : Films : Books : TV : General knowledge : Science and Nature : Animals

History : Geography : Music : Computers : Books : Boardgames : Vehicles

To create a quiz online you can go old school and create a PowerPoint or Google Slideshow. However, as we are trying to embrace everything virtual at this time, we’d like to introduce you to and . Both offer quick and easy ways to create the perfect online Quiz.