Recruiting Volunteers for your PTA Events

Grab this video for free from our PTA Resource Centre

When you have read our blog post and hopefully got a few tips, feel free to download this fun video and share with your potential volunteering community! This and more resources to promote your PTA can be found for FREE in our new PTA Resource Centre.

Top tips to recruiting new PTA volunteers

  • Group PTA volunteers. Enable people to volunteer in groups with people they already know/their families. Promote making friends and spending time with family. Some volunteering roles can provide educational experiences for children and the chance to do something different together as a family, 

  • Recruit past pupils and older siblings. Many young people love to volunteer, so it is important to capitalise on this.  tap into their passions to make it as attractive a proposition as possible. Tell them that volunteering experiences are key to enhancing C.Vs and life skills.

  • Use digital technology to facilitate volunteering. Use apps like SignUpGenius, VolunteerSignup and Doodle. Digital tech can improve your PTA organisational efficiency and effectiveness massively. 

  • Produce a monthly e-newsletter and have a Facebook group (or similar) to keep everyone in touch and up to date. Share experiences and ideas and engaging volunteer-related content.

  • Be sympathetic to childcare issues. Promote volunteer roles that can be done at home.

  • Engage the retired community. Volunteer opportunities might be skills-based, providing retirees with the opportunity to continue using their professional skills, or a chance to be social as well as try something completely a bit different.

  • Approach new parents and offer them the chance to quickly integrate with the school community by volunteering.

  • Ask local businesses to volunteer. There is a trend towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) so offer this opportunity,

  • Present PTA volunteer roles around the experience and soft benefits to the Individual. Promote and highlight your cause and mission, not the volunteering. Emphasis the social aspect of volunteering where possible.

  • Remind people that volunteering experiences can enhance their CVs and overall life/social skills.

  • Making volunteering appealing to the time poor. Have a diverse range of volunteering opportunities on offer – both regular and more flexible roles. Have clear and defined start and finish times. Offer bite-size volunteering opps that are quick to start and complete and do not require long term commitment.

Whatever you decide to do, remember that if you don’t offer people the opportunity to volunteer and make it easy to do so, they simply wont. We have created a fun video that you can share with your school community to help garner interest in PTA volunteering. You can download it and share on your social platforms, by email and WhatApp groups. Grab it from our PTA Resource Centre today.

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